Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Day of School Sweet Treats!!

Well it is getting that time of year again when you start thinking about and planning on that first week of school. I like to get a jump start on it so it don't sneak up on me like it always seems to do. I started thinking about that first day and started asking myself what was something that I could send home with the kids that they would enjoy and munch on too. I found this cute idea on Pinterest and made some up for myself and for you (a freebie).
How cute are these. I bought some Kool-Aid drinks and inserted the tag and BAM!! your done. Super simple. I already have them ready to go. Check that off my list of to do things. I made them up for grades PreK through 5th grade.
 Click picture for freebie.

Misty had a cute idea that she found off of Pinterest as well. And...well we had to make those up too. They were just too cute. And another freebie for you. Made these up for PreK-5th grade as well. Bet these don't make it home before some little hands open it up for a sweet treat.  All we did was cut out the tag and tape them to the back of a hostess cupcake wrapper. You could use any kind of small individually wrapped cake. Zebra cakes are my favorite!!!  That's what my little firsties will be getting.
Toooo Cute!!!!!
What a great way to end the first day of school and to help make your
planning for the first day " a piece of cake" .


  1. Great ideas but, wow, our district would never let us give cupcakes or kool aid! I"m surprised your districts still allow sweet treats!

  2. Yes they are wonderful in still letting us do this- - we can only send store bought items into the classroom- not homemade due to allergies of students- thanks so much- happy teaching :)
