Monday, February 27, 2017

Compound Words

What a week we have been having. Wearing capris and flip flops in February!!!! This Tennessee weather. You've got to love it. This week we have been super busy constructing compound words. 
This is one of the kiddos favorite lessons.  They love Compound Connor.
I always introduce him at the very beginning of the lesson and we use him all week long for our exit tickets. After his wonderful introduction and the intro
lesson all about compound words, he has a problem that he shares with us.... He needs our help!!!!!

Compound Connor needs our help constructing compound words. I made this video using
Chatter Pix. The kids just love it when I put their names in the video. It really draws them in and gets them involved with the learning.
Then it's time for us to get to work. This is where my differentiated lesson comes into play. Differentiation is based on the premises that student learn in different ways. Because of this, I had to provide them with a number of different options for learning. Even before my lesson brgan, I did a pre-assessment to divide my students into the correct groups. Each grouphad a different level of compound words. From the lowest level with picture cards, the middles levels with words and pictures, to the upper level with only words and making sentences with those words. The kids were having such a great time. While they were working, I put on some construction noise to help us along with our lesson. It really got them involved with their work. Click on picture below for construction noise. 

Construction noise (Click on picture) 
After we find our compound words, we list them on our work mats for us to check and go over.

We also do a dump truck matching game throughout the week to help reinforce the lesson and for extra practice for anyone who may need it.

All of these activities is in our Compound Words Unit along with an anchor chart and a few more compound construction themed worksheets to go along with our lesson throughout the week.

  I used this lesson during an evaluation and it was a complete hit!!! 

For some more compound word worksheets, check out our freebie.
Click on picture
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

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