Sunday, March 17, 2013

Read Well Reading Series

Our school disrict just approved Read Well for our reading program next year. I really don't know anything about it and was wondering if any of you have or are currently using this program. What are your reviews about this program? We are only getting it for K-2. I teach first and Misty teaches 2nd.


  1. I haven't heard anything about it. Hope it's a good one! :) We are adopting a new series for this next year, but haven't been told which one it will be.

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  2. We currently are using Reading Street. Many were wanting this series. It's hard to get used to a new series.

  3. I used Read Well when I was in Title 1. I found it to be more beneficial for helping students with reading difficulties in 1st grade.But the 2nd grade version was only ok for helping the lowest readers. I didn't feel like it was the best for helping those kids.
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

    1. Thank you. After looking at it, it seems to be more of an intervention type of program, but we are using it for our complete whole reading lesson. So I really don't know how this is going to turn out.


  4. I have not used it but I teach special education and my predecessor spoke highly of it. I assumed it was for student's with special needs or perhaps just below grade level but I am curious to learn more as well. :-)

    BTW--your blog is suuuuper cute! Love the colors!

  5. We use READ WELL in our Kindergarten classes as their reading program. In 1st grade, they are only using READ WELL during their 30 minute Intervention time. The teachers in our building have said that there are some good things about READ WELL such as the centers in Kindergarten but our first grade teachers are very concerned because it doesn't teach the children to blend words together. It is focusing more on the sound of each letter. If you email me, I could send you to one of our first and kinder teachers and they could tell you more about it than me. I teach 2nd and we do not use that program.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  6. I love using Read Well with my first graders. I have used the program extensively as a Title I reading teacher and what I liked about it was the material didn't look like "1st grade" reading material when I used it with my 3rd graders. Everything is sequential, though they do introduce a few skill in what I felt were an odd order, but it worked. This year in first grade my team partner and I use it with about 2/3 of our students and have found it to be very successful We only have the K-1 pieces so I am not familiar with the 2nd grade curriculum, but I am sure it will be just as good. I feel it does a great job at working all 5 components of reading and is a gradual release of responsibility to the students. It is fairly easy to place students at their reading level (the one thing you will have to have in place is time for small groups) and easy to move at their own pace. We have one group working at a 4-day pace and another at an 8-day pace, but both work well for the group of students. Having used the curriculum primarily in Title, I am not familiar with the extra components, but know they are there and they have always looked worthwhile. We just began using it more mid-year with our first graders when we found they were not progressing like we would have hoped with the regular curriculum and are looking at using it for all but maybe our highest readers next year (the ones who would need the 2nd grade curriculum we don't have). I hope this helps a little bit.
