Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day Of School!!

I survived the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  What a day. I need a nap. Came in the house and collasped on the couch. Finally took a sigh of relief!!!! But it only lasted for a few minutes, had to hear all about my 8yr olds first day of third grade. She loves it!! Wanted to show you what we did our first day back. Love it when I use something I've created inside my classroom. My Firsties just loved them. These were a great way for me to see how many of my students knew their numbers and color words.

Thought they turned out so good!!!!

                                          Check them out at our TPT store!!!

                 Hope your first day of school was great and I know that you need a nap too!!!


  1. HELLO!! Congrats on your first day! Mine is next week Tuesday...getting ancy!!! Smiles and stop by anytime!!!

  2. Thanks, hope everything goes well next week. Saw that you were looping with your kiddos this year. How neat!! I know that you are looking forward to that. Best Wishes on the new year!!!

