Sunday, August 07, 2016

Vowels and Consonants

Our first day back in second grade and we are learning about the difference between vowels and consonants. I have taught second grade for 17 years and I have found students coming into 2nd grade can tell you what a vowel is- but ask them what a consonant is and so many times
 they will say-What is that?
 So we start off the first day with our
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
vowels and consonants name game.
Easy- Fun- Free Printable Download Below

1. Cut some poster boards into rectangles and write the students name on each
2. Then cut some colored paper or card stock into small strips and have the students cut them into small squares
3. Then the students place the coloered squares onto the vowels in their name- now they can see the vowels and consnants easily
4. After you have went over the vowels and consonanats have them glue the small squares onto each letter
The next day we did the vowels and consonants sheet that went along with our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Vowels and Consonants- you can download it here

Download from Teaching Times 2- Here

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